Why are people always fighting over the business use of the Queensway?
It is a very busy noisy street
You can only get peace by driving away from it
Adult store on The Queensway denied
OMB rules against proposed business
An appeal to introduce an adult-geared shop on The Queensway in Etobicoke has been denied.
The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) has ruled that an 'Aren't We Naughty' novelty store will not be allowed at 1100 The Queensway.
The Sept. 1 OMB ruling states 748485 Ontario Ltd. appealed a March 4 decision of the City of Toronto Committee of Adjustment, which turned down a minor variance from a city bylaw which prohibits "adult video and massage parlours" and "adult entertainment establishments" on both sides of a three-kilometre stretch of The Queensway from Mimico Creek to Kipling Avenue.
The 10-page OMB document explains how "adult entertainment establishment" is defined in the bylaw - "Any premises or part of them is an adult entertainment establishment if goods, entertainment or services that are designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites."
But Bernardo Bezjak, who claims to have brokered the real estate deal for the 1100 The Queensway business, questions why a nearby food store is permitted to sell condoms and lubricants.
"I wouldn't recommend or sell a location to Aren't We Naughty if I thought it would be offensive ... and not a first-class retail adult novelty store," he said in an email.
Bezjak also noted the proposed store would have conformed to zoning setback requirements, had adequate parking, and would "be refurbished to complement its neighbouring restaurants and theatres architectural designs."
But the OMB ruled the proposed store doesn't comply with "four tests" of the Planning Act: is it a minor variance, is it a desirable use for the land; does it conform to the intent of the city's official plan; and does it conform to the bylaw in question.
Although there are other adult stores in the vicinity of 1100 The Queensway, Etobicoke-Lakeshore Councillor Peter Milczyn claims they were established prior to the bylaw.
The councillor said he submitted a letter of objection in relation to the Aren't We Naughty application and alerted nearby residents, adding some came on board in the fight. The adult business "doesn't fit in" to a vision to make The Queensway more vibrant, he said, noting he'd like to see more restaurants, cafes and food stores in that area.
Aren't We Naughty has 11 locations, with three already in Toronto, according to the company's website.
There are dozens of massage parlours in the area